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Whoopi Suing Man Who Created & Circulated “Fake News” That Endangered Her Life

A search is being carried out to locate the “fake news” source by “The View moderator” that was circulated last week and claimed “Whoopi Goldberg said Carryn Owens the Navy SEAL widow appeared before Congress at Donald Trump’s speech for attention.”

Goldberg, during Monday’s episode, said she’d not take the allegations lightly and coming for “the man who wrote them.”

“Something came out on a fake news website about me and it endangered my family’s life and endangered my life,” Goldberg said. “I have had for the last 20 years great relationships with vets and their wives, so when someone writes a bit of a horrible lie as this man did, he accused me of saying that the woman that was celebrated by the current president was doing it for the attention.”

“If I hadn’t been made aware of this, I could have found out about this at the end of a barrel of a gun,” she said. “I’m going to try to get some legislation going that says if you’re doing to involve someone in fake news, you should have their permission. Clearly, you don’t care what could have happened to me or to my family. Costa Rica’s not big enough for this lawsuit that’s coming your way.”

The baseless source and the site that Goldberg was referring, says its stories “are fictitious, and presumably fake news.”

Whoopi Goldberg Fake News

“Just so we’re really clear, I want these protections in place for the current president, for his family, my family. If you write something like that or write something that endangers his his family’s life, I’m just as angry at you,” Goldberg continued.

“The fact that you don’t give a crap that it endangered me is unconscionable,” she added, “I’m gonna get my lawyer and I’m coming for you.”

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Whoopi Suing Man Who Created & Circulated “Fake News” That Endangered Her Life

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