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Trump Slams Fake News Trolls – Australian Media Claims PM Turnbull Was Rather Thanked By Trump

US President Donald Trump identified the unorthodox news trolls that claimed blow-up with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull – fake news media.


He made the announcement Friday morning on twitter. He had also used kind words for Mr. Turnbull.

“Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about,” Mr Trump tweeted.

Mr. Turnbull had been cautious with selecting the right words when questioned by Australian media about the very call, Mr. Trump has not been diplomatic.

Mr. Trump geared a laugh while saying at Washington DC prayer breakfast to the audience that included political and religious leaders.

“It’s time we have to be a little tough folks,”

Both parties, Mr. Trump and Mr. Trubull bear sheer concern the damage done to the US-Australian alliance that the Aussie Ambassador Joe Hockey had been dispatched to the White House last Thursday for a meeting with Mr. Trump’s chief of Staff Reince Priebus and advisor Steve Bannon.

turnvia: daily mail

The furore erupted on Wednesday when the Washington Post reported Mr Trump abruptly ended the planned hour call after 25 minutes.

According to the The Australian 

           “The furore erupted on Wednesday when the Washington Post reported Mr Trump abruptly ended the planned hour call after 25 minutes.”

The president’s “fake news” tweet came despite Trump administration officials confirmed, off the record, the call was “confrontational”. It arose more confusion when White House Spokesperson Sean Spicer said the call was “Cordial.”

Mr Trump’s disappointment with Mr. Turnbull came from the asylum-seeker resettlement deal he inherited after Mr Turnbull had it negotiated with Barack Obama previous year. Trump described the deal “Dumb” in the next tweet.

According to The Australian

Mr Trump, according to the Post, complained in the phone call with Mr Turnbull that he was “going to get killed” politically because of the deal and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers”.

Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!


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Trump Slams Fake News Trolls – Australian Media Claims PM Turnbull Was Rather Thanked By Trump

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