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10 Reasons Why Not To Trust Photos You See On Social Media

In every great photograph we can see the skill and creativity of the photographer but this creativeness can go a long way. As with the help of the digital cameras the context of a photograph is changed completely and what meets the eye is not there in reality.

The list below will throw some light on the different props and aids that the photographers use to show their pictures in an entirely new light. They not only change people’s locations but also show them doing impossible things. But these behind-the-scenes images prove there’s a lot more to stunning pictures than first meets the eye.


Number 1:wedding


Number 2:shrubs


Number 3:




Number 4:cliff hanging

Number 5:


Number 6:reality behind photography 14 592d5f5c5ca41 7006 6 house with cars

Number 7:7 burnt apple

Number 8:8 girl before window

Number 9:9 girl in jungle

Number 10:10 adding steam

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10 Reasons Why Not To Trust Photos You See On Social Media

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