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Ryan Reynolds vs Hugh Jackman-The Hilarious Twitter Face off Continues!

Looks like the merc with a mouth just can’t hold himself back from poking fun at Wolverine. Ryan Reynolds is as big a mischief maker as his alter ego Deadpool is and it was about time he allowed it to run free.

At first, Reynolds expressed his love and support to his long time friend and co-actor by posting:

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But then, his alter ego did get the better of him!

Now, it may not be very wise to prod the adamant clawed beast but apparently Reynolds never got the memo.

Taking to Twitter to express his support (read: make fun of) Hugh Jackman’s latest and sadly last movie as the iconic Wolverine: Logan, Ryan Reynolds posted on his Twitter account:


To which, Hugh Jackman retorted with incredulity:


This back and forth between the two blockbuster stars does not seem to be ending anytime soon. Lucky for us because we sure love this immensely entertaining banter!

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Ryan Reynolds vs Hugh Jackman-The Hilarious Twitter Face off Continues!

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