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President Donald Trump’s Phone Call to Vladimir Putin – Not A Precise One!

How Trump’s long conversation on phone with Vladimir Putin is seen by the media and what they talked about on phone for so long. The media mogul had been speculating many things previously. That very call just happened between the two.

The presidents, when elected, receive and call back several heads of all the important countries. They both have spoken the first time since presidential inauguration. The call was scheduled to be done and was very anxiously awaited by almost everyone not only in the United States of America but the world over.

donald trump praised vladimir putin on the national stage again heres what it all means

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This could be a major u-turn into American foreign policy towards Russia. It looks like the history is changing. It was welcomed by the top Russian officials. Contrarily, it was highly feared by the Europe as the chances are that America might abandon their key commitments including the imposed sanctions on Russia after Crimean annexation.



Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Russian security council, being quoted by the Interfax expecting the major hopes for the better relations between the two superpowers.

“Everything will be positive,” said Mr Patrushev even before the call was made.

It was expected that President Trump might drop the sanctions imposed on Russia by Obama government after Crimean annexation.

President Trump had already commented on it in the meeting with British P.M. Theresa May,

“We’ll see what happens. As far as the sanctions, very early to be talking about that,”  he said.


Mrs May had also signified that to Trump by saying

 “we believe sanctions should continue.”

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President Donald Trump’s Phone Call to Vladimir Putin – Not A Precise One!

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