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Kim Kardashians Statistical Analysis of Crimes Committed in U.S. Goes Viral

Kim Kardashian shows analysis of the crimes committed in the U.S. to keep an opinion about politics too. She tried to prove her point how gun-violence has shattered the country more than so called Islamic-led terrorism.

She tweeted statistical data analysis chart that shows that. She had posted screen-shot of a chart that shows stats generated by CDC that has shown over the last 10 years Jihadist immigrants had been responsible for only 2 murders per year.

Whereas, the gun violence that includes armed toddlers killed 21 people per annum, Lawnmowers 69 and only falling out of bed has killed 737 people per annum.

donald trump kim kardashian 259ddd8b 311b 46d3 ad58 0aefc3b1bff3Image: USAtoday

The massively huge numbered kills recorded had been through American-killed-other-american that is 11,737.

However, it is just the chart that she posted nothing more than that with a word “Statistics.”


via: TMZ0129 kim kardashian muslim ban statistics twitter 5

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Kim Kardashians Statistical Analysis of Crimes Committed in U.S. Goes Viral

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