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Parents of Deceased Youth Outrageous at Trump’s False Claims That Their Children’s Death Was An Underreported Terrorist Act

She said: “The French man being held on suspicion of my daughter’s murder — is not an Islamic fundamentalist, he has never set foot in a mosque.

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“Much nonsense is being spoken in the press about her alleged killer,” she penned down in a piece written to The Independent. “The TV engineer who visited yesterday said, ‘Well we know what that was about, it was that Moslemic terrorism!’ Thanks for clarifying.”

Rosie Ayliffe the mother of 21-year-old Mia Myliffe Chung keeps rejecting the speculations that her daughter was the victim of a terrorist activity Since the death of her daughter in August.

As the Washington Post has said that just days after her daughter had been chased and killed along with the backpacker that was also killed who tried to save her from the murderer-she decided to write about the tragedy to make it very clear to the people, no matter reports say, the accused was not an Islamic fundamentalist.

“Smail Ayad — the French man being held on suspicion of my daughter’s murder — is not an Islamic fundamentalist, he has never set foot in a mosque,” she continued.

Consequently, the police too ruled out terrorism charges- while Ayad yelled “Allahu Akbar” while attacking according to The Washington Post.


Over the course of time, various fabricated stories also died away regarding her daughter’s killing and Ayliffe too felt relieved although she was aggrieved till the last week.

Regarding Trump’s immigration ban and in effort to justify it, the White House had released “underreported” terrorist attacks last Tuesday and argued that if they had received media coverage the public would have realized the necessity of the ban. Mia Chung and Tom Jackson, the man who tried to protect her were also included in the list.

Both Ayliffe and Jackson’s parents declared on social media Trump’s claims being false and felt aggravated on the use of their children’s tragic deaths to promote a political agenda.

“The possibility of Mia and Tom’s deaths being consequent to an Islamic terror attack was discounted in the early stages of the police investigation through international collaboration on the parts of [the] Queensland police department and the French anti-terrorist force,” she said in the open letter to President Trump and tagged him too on Twitter.

Ayliffe also pointed that the backpackers who traveled with Ayad never saw him pray and Salat (prayer) being one of the 5 basic fundamentals of Islam “an Islamic fundamentalist by definition must respect the five pillars of Islam.” She further added that one of the reasons for writing to the Independent was”to discount this myth of a connection between my daughter’s death and Islamic fundamentalism”

The same were the comments by Tom’s parents. Here the tweet says it all.

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Parents of Deceased Youth Outrageous at Trump’s False Claims That Their Children’s Death Was An Underreported Terrorist Act

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