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Melania Trump Defended by Boy George at Dior Homme Show

Wearing black Dior perfecto jacket with stylish plated skirt, coolly sober disposition of Paris Jackson surprised journalists at Dior Homme Show.BoyGeorge9

Michael Jackson’s adorable daughter received maximum of attention with music maestro Bono, who was seated in the front row next to the owner of fashion house, LVMH fashion king Bernard Arnault.

paris jackson looks insanely in love posing with her boyfriend photos

boy george1


Credit: (Mandatory): WENN

However, Boy George was the man who spoke valiantly and did the most of talking with the press. The Culture Club front face, became very political and defended the First Lady, Melania Trump against the press bragging about her past life such as modeling career.

“You know what — as somebody who has a past — I think it’s really wrong and mean-spirited of women to be so abusive.”

Boy George told The Associated Press.

He added, “The people should remain positive” he spoke with a bit of slight slanting mouth and  a hint of humor that President did not mention LGBT community in the inauguration speech.


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Melania Trump Defended by Boy George at Dior Homme Show

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