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O’Reilly Axed, ‘Is Trump Losing Friends? Media Wont Credit My Accomplishments’ Says Trump

New York- Steph Smith slammed POTUS, O’Reilly packed up with some upskirt, well framed, photos from Fox News office desk after serving for 20 years. What is left for Trump’s support?

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Photo: The Onion


The hosts like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly had been much support to the beloved president. Smiling so wistfully as O’Reilly gazed at the cherished memories and mementos that were adorning his desk for 20 years he expressed grief over his termination, “God, I have so many great memories from this place,” said he.

Actually he was not fired for what he did but that came out. O’Reilly issued a statement that reaffirmed his innocence, saying “it is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today.”

Trump says Media wont give him credit for his accomplishments

Here is the relevant tweet by him.

Except Fox News all other major media moguls have been called by him “Fake News” with no reliable source. Lets see where his media diggs take him to. With exit of Bil O’Reilly Trump has lost a major TV support. Now he claims that his achievements would never be appreciated by media.

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O’Reilly Axed, ‘Is Trump Losing Friends? Media Wont Credit My Accomplishments’ Says Trump

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