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Caught on Camera ‘A Daycare Worker Slams Toddler’s Face to The Floor’

A daycare worker in Texas, Jazmine Torres, was caught by surveillance cameras slamming an 18-month-old toddler face down on the ground to force him to take a nap.

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Plano police investigators said that Caitlin Gilmore, the toddler’s mother, had seen the entire alleged incident on camera of child abuse has unfolded thee need for a new stream of awareness that parents should undertake, during her lunch break at work.

Caitlin Gilmore had left her Wells Fargo office immediately to go to The Children’s Courtyard to get her son as soon as possible.

While rushing to the daycare center, Gilmore’s co-workers filmed the live stream from the surveillance camera footage on their cellphones. The video was shared on Facebook by Gilmore’s co-workers to alert other parents to what was going on at the Plano daycare facility.

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Caught on Camera ‘A Daycare Worker Slams Toddler’s Face to The Floor’

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