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Mike Pence Takes Away Women Health Care With A Tie-Breaking Vote- Do You Like it?

The National Women’s Law Center had offered some background on what actually Republicans were just voting for. This process was initiated for a vote to repeal the Obama administration regulation that “put states on notice that arbitrarily denying Title X family planning funds to providers, like Planned Parenthood clinics, for reasons unrelated to the quality of care provided is a violation of federal law.”


VP Pence’s vote was the tie breaker to let states reject “Title X funds” that were based on the fact that they had nothing do with the care-quality they provide. Whatever they had been planning for so long so far. Here are some of the major services that will be affected.

1- Breast examinations — the services were accessible to over 1 million women nationwide at Title X sites in 2015.

2- The other major confidential preventive care, including screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/HIV, and health education.

3- Contraceptive care as well as counseling that helped women avoid 904,000 unintended pregnancies, which might have resulted in 439,000 unplanned births in 2014.

The Republicans had to bring in an extra man to take quality health care away. But Democrats did not see the step as good.

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Mike Pence Takes Away Women Health Care With A Tie-Breaking Vote- Do You Like it?

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