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Doll Maker Gets Heartwarming Request From A Mother to Make One-Eyed Bunny For Her Toddler

A creative stranger from Idaho sends a special gift to a 3-year-old girl who battled cancer on her birthday. Danielle Munger the mother of the daughter who lost an eye battling cancer requested Jessica Sebastian the owner of Sebastian Design if she could make a bunny doll with one eye for her daughter.

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“The girl had started to notice that she was different, and her sweet mama read articles about how finding a doll who matches how a child looks can be helpful and therapeutic. She wanted her daughter to have a doll that looks like her and only has her right eye,” Sebastian said on Faceboo

The mother of Brynn said that they first noticed her eyelids dropping just after her first birthday then the doctor declared that she had a tumor behind her left eye.

Munger told FOX 5, “Her cancer is rare and the diagnosis took a while to come. Finally, we learned that her cancer is called Undifferentiated Sarcoma.”

Her oncologist had to remove her left eye along with everything else with left orbit because that was affected by tumor. She had to undergo several surgeries until the cancer cells were finally eradicated through radiation.

Munger wanted to give Brynn a special gift on her third birthday, then she contacted Sebastian for crafting a special doll with one eye. She was provided with a beautifully crafted, dressed in gold skirt and shiny gold bow an adorable bunny.

“The outpouring of love in all its forms was so amazing, so appreciated, and so very needed. And now through this journey we have added Jessica to the list of amazing, caring, generous people blessing our lives,” Munger added.

“To date, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked to create something so tender and meaningful,” Sebastian said.

Sebastian shared various photos of Brynn with her bunny on facebook.

“My favorite part of this photo is how she is wearing her Wonder Woman nightgown. It perfectly represents the strength and courage of this little superhero,” Sebastian said.

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Doll Maker Gets Heartwarming Request From A Mother to Make One-Eyed Bunny For Her Toddler

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