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Donald Trump’s Military Style Outfit – The Veterans Unload A Lot on It

Yesterday POTUS tried his very best to join the seals and ride the wave of goodwill. He received immense twitter response, negative too, for honoring the Martyred Navy Seal’s widow during his joint-sessions address.

According to Telegraph

The president sported the olive military jacket and hat during a tour of the new Gerald R. Ford carrier in Newport News, Virginia, as he pledged to boost defence spending.


Donald Trump eagerly donned up a U.S. Navy jacket and hat just before delivering the due speech. “You stand on that deck, and you feel like you’re standing on a very big piece of land. But this is better than land”. During the speech he disclosed the fact that he persisted on wearing the jacket and confirmed his genuine longing for lovely hats.

“They said, ‘Here Mr. President, take this home.’ I said, ‘Let me wear it,'” Mr Trump said during his address to the crew, drawing laughter. “And then they gave me the beautiful hat, and I said, ‘You know? Maybe I’ll do that.’ “

A veteran John MacFarland took to Facebook to complain about Trump:

“I realise Trump rates a salute as Commander in Chief and he can wear a command cap if he’s comfortable doing so, but that doesn’t mean we sailors and other vets have to approve of it.

This clown got five deferments when his generation was called. Instead of serving, he dodged, ducked and weaved.

If he had any self-awareness he wouldn’t stride around ship in that cap and jacket like he rates anything aside from what custom and courtesy dictate. All the while scowling like a tough guy.”

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Donald Trump’s Military Style Outfit – The Veterans Unload A Lot on It

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