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Jealous or Envied Paul Ryan Asks This Lawmaker About His 37 Percent Rating Approval Secret

WASHINGTON— The Speaker of The House, Paul Ryan failed to contain his jealousy for so long against his fellow lawmaker’s greater poll numbers. On Friday, he pulled aside Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and asked him the “Very Secret” behind his 37% approval ratings.

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“Hey, Joe, you’ve got to let me in on your secret—how do you manage to pull in such incredible favorability numbers? Seriously, it’s insane,” asked Ryan.

After cornering the legislator in the Capitol building hallway and offering him a lucrative fund deal for his own district in return of some useful information about his suave popularity that soared his caliber among more than a third of voters.

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Photo: Joe Wilson

“I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you, having nearly two in five people approve of your performance. God, that has to feel incredible. If you could just give me a couple of tips on how to make a positive or neutral impression on that many people, I’m sure I can take it from there. Please, Joe, help me out.”


The crowd is yelling you lied at Joe Wilson report

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Jealous or Envied Paul Ryan Asks This Lawmaker About His 37 Percent Rating Approval Secret

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