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BREAKING! Madonna’s Deleted Secret Message – How The World is Responding to Her Hate-speech

An unspoken battle has evoked since Madonna’s secret tweet. There has been a lot more beyond that gone by unnoticed. The people all over the U.S. have vented their wrath over her unnecessarily exaggerated speech last week that awaken the sleeping volcano of responses across the globe let alone the USA.

The pop star’s verbose to blow down the White House took the whole United States of America with a storm. It is needless to say that she said so during the Women’s March and it was televised too. It was an act that sent a wave and necessity of security alert.

Madonna’s Fiery Speech At The Women’s March On Washington

The social media responses were massive and the CIA seemed to have took it seriously too. The next thing that became quite unexpectedly from her. That was the secret message more specifically a tweet about secret service. She tried her best to delete it. That was quite sickening to everybody.

Madonna’s Secret Message to CIA

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That was beyond mere expectations. It was a far more disgusting way to express opinion that was not appreciable at all.

She has been on the receiving end since her last saturday’s verbal whiplash and later tweet. The people are enraged about the action.

Madonna embed
(AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, File)

Responses to Madonna’s Speech & Secret Mesage

Jackie Mason on Aaron Klein’s Sunday AM 970 show “The Answer,” quoted about Madonna as

“I don’t know why anybody even quotes Madonna . . . Nobody cares about anything she says because, let’s be honest about it — when she sings, she sings for a hundred million people. When she talks, everybody disappears.”

He also called her — in what might be the worst borscht-belt insult — a “deranged yenta.” source

Cyndi Lauper slammed her remarks by saying,

“I was glad that she (Madonna) went. I think it happens a lot when you are really jacked up, feeling your emotions. I don’t think it served our purpose because anger is not better than clarity and humanity. That is what opens people’s minds. When you want to open people’s minds, you have to share your real story.”

Her music was banned from Texas radio station after White House remarks during Women’s March.

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BREAKING! Madonna’s Deleted Secret Message – How The World is Responding to Her Hate-speech

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