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Green Day Vocalist Says ‘We Yell F**k You Trump’ on Every Concert While Performing American Idiot Title

Green Day, American rock band members, told to Rolling Stone in an exclusive interview Monday that they shout “F*ck you Donald Trump” at every concert on their nationwide tour while performing the title track of album “American Idiot,” released back in 2004.

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Photo: NPR

“I feel we’re a voice to join the resistance. I don’t know what shape or form that’s going to come in. I mean, you can see a little bit of that now with people showing up at town halls,” the guitarist and lead vocalist Billie Joe revealed to Rolling Stone. “But it’s hard. To think we’re only in the second month of this presidency. It’s like every day you’re fed a different form of bullsh*t. I think that’s what people are: They’re victims of constant bullsh*t.”

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Photo: Rolling Stone

When Asked if he observes former president, George W. Bush’s presidency kind of differently now that he’s in the era of president Donald Trump, Armstrong said: “No. Bush, as far as I’m concerned, is a war criminal. With Trump, we have no idea. Right now it’s just a freak show.”

“I feel like the government is trying to create a culture war between us in a lot of ways. They’re trying to get between your average citizens based on red and blue,” Armstrong added. “I want people to feel unity when they come to a show. At the same time, I’m not going to puss out on saying what I feel about him and his administration.”


Bashing president Trump has become a habit of Armstrong and Green Day.

During the interview with Kerrang magazine in August 2016, he compared Trump to Adolf Hitler, in an interview with NME, blamed the reason for rise of Trump because of uneducated white working-class people.

You can read Green Day’s exclusive interview here Rolling Stone.

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Green Day Vocalist Says ‘We Yell F**k You Trump’ on Every Concert While Performing American Idiot Title

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