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American Avocado Lovers May Pay 20% More For Mexican Avocado

“Some experts believe Avocado from Jalisco was blocked by the US in revenge of potato ban that was denied the entry into Mexico.”

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Donald Trump has enacted his Muslim ban and now it seems avocados are being banned too.

The American Agriculture Department held up Mexican avocados’ entry into the US on the ground realities of possible rise in 20 percent of prices after border tax. The tax would obviously spike the prices of Avocado that would be paid by the American Avocado lovers.

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The news did not came as surprise after Mexico blocked American potatoes from entering.

Fiver trucks or more of 100 tonnes Green Fruit were blocked on Mexican boarder from the Mexican state Jalisco. The entry into US caused due to expected price hikes.

On the other hand, the Mexican producers have attained official court orders to bar American potatoes entry into Mexico.

Some experts believe Avocado from Jalisco was blocked by the US in revenge of potato ban.

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Mexico, the Southern neighbour of the USA is directly at the receiving end of President Trump’s pledge to renegotiate NAFTA to build a wall on the boarder between the two neighbours.


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American Avocado Lovers May Pay 20% More For Mexican Avocado

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