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7 JK Rowling’s Most Favorite Books #1 is Absolutely Incredulous

Everyone knows JK Rowling is one of the best selling authors and we all like her books. Do you know which books she likes to read? Being from Gloucestershire England, she invented the potter world. The book genres she likes include fairytales, biographies and fiction.

She is an avid reader who also appreciates the good stories and good writing style even more. If you like her writing style then you should see her taste in books too.

Here is the list of books JK Rowling loves and admires.

#7 Jane Austen’s Emma

jane austen emma cover

JK Rowling like Virginia Woolf deeply liked Emma by Jane Austen for its a story superbly told with great style. On she said so. An easy on nerves story of love, affection and mannerism. The story is so beautifully told that it remains with you for long.
If you appreciate great writing style with simplistic flair you would love Emma.

#6 Elizabeth Goudge’s The Little White Horse


She says, “I absolutely adored The Little White Horse.

This children’s book is not less magical than Harry Potter series, The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge is JK Rowling’s most favorite novel. The story revolves around an orphan girl who found amazement and mystery at he uncle’s manor. This book is very inspiring and sweet that even if you have grown old enough you’d still adore it.

#5 Dodie Smith’s I Capture The Castle

icapturethecastle dodie smith

This one is also for children, the story revolves around the Mortmain children and their parents who are inhabitants of the English countryside living in a rented castle there. Rowling wrote on her website’s FAQs it has been one of her favorite books.

#4 Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals

team of rivals

J.K. Rowling being famous for fantasy writing still admires historical anecdotes. One of her recently published favorites according to an interview with The New York Times’ “By The Book,” is Team of Rivals. It is the beautifully told biography of Abraham Linco1n and his unflinching triumph over three arch rivals.

#3 Collette’s The Collected Stories of Collette

the collected stories of colette

The bold, brave and sensual novelist of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, this French author is known for very controversial stories. Her top-notch stories about intimacy and relationships are exclusively original. She said that if she could meet any author dead or alive that would be Collette.

#2 Roddy Doyle’s The Woman Who Walked Into Doors

the woman who walked into doors

The Woman Who Walked Into Doors by Roddy Doyle is an intense and dark subject about love and struggle. The story is about a woman who triumphantly escaped a violent and most abusive husband for good.

Rowling revealed to Oprah Magazine that this Irish author is her favorite one and The Woman Who Walked Into Doors is her one of the favorite books.

#1 J.K. Rolwing’s The Casual Vacancy

casual vacancy covercrop

Shocked? She likes her own book. She makes herself cry that she openly confessed it while writing and reading The Casual Vacancy.

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7 JK Rowling’s Most Favorite Books #1 is Absolutely Incredulous

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