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Top Ten Richest Authors Ranked Who Became Millionaire by Writing Books

Do you know who really made a fortune by writing books? JK Rowling, Nora Roberts and John Grisham are some of the luckiest people who really minced millions. Here is the list of the top ten best selling authors whose net worth is enticing.

#1 JK Rowling

jk rowling

JK Rowling is not only an author of a very popular book series Harry Potter but also a movie producer whose net worth is $1 billion.

#2 Jim Davis

jim davis

The creator and writer of Garfield cartoon Jim Davis has earned the net worth of $800 million.

#3 James Patterson

james patterson

The American author James Patterson has a net worth of $700 million.

#4 Candy Spelling


The popular American heiress, writer, socialite and entrepreneur Candy Spelling has net worth of $600 million.

#5 Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho Hd Photos

Paulo Coelho Brazilian novelist most popular for Alchemist whose net worth is $500 million.

#6 Stephen King

Stephen King

Stephen King famous for macabre scripting has a net worth is $400 million.

#7 Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel
(Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images for IMG)

Danielle Steele’s romantic novels are famous and has a net worth of $385 million.

#8 Nora Roberts

nora roberts facebook

American author Nora Roberts has a net worth of $350 million.

#9 Barbara Taylor Bradford


This British-American novelist has a net worth of $300 million.

#10 John Grisham

John Grisham facebook

John Grisham is a popular American author whose net worth is $300 million.

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Top Ten Richest Authors Ranked Who Became Millionaire by Writing Books

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