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Boy In A Mysterious Coma, Finally Awakens


  Martin Pistorius fell into a mysterious coma at the age of 12. He was faced with a really life-threatening situation and the doctors had failed to diagnose his condition.


Martin was living in South Africa and his first passion had been Electronics. Although the state he was in was one living hell but it helped him to observe many things happening around him. Though it was not pleasant always but this was the time when people’s true thoughts and actions showed themselves.


His condition worsened and he lost all power to move. Martin’s condition became so frustrating that he lost all power to speak or communicate with anyone.


Martin’s parents were told that his condition was incurable, so they should take him home and give him a comfortable life till his death. But Martin’s will-power kept him alive.


Martin’s parents thought that their son couldn’t hear what they said. But he could. Each day his father would get up early in the morning, bathe and change him, and take him to a care centre. At one point his mother got so frustrated that she mentioned to him “I hope you die”.But she had no idea that he could actually hear her, which he did and communicated back by breathing heavily.


The 39 year lives in Harlow’ England where he has written a book about his past experiences. Because of the modern technology he is able to communicate with the others, he types on a key-board which synthesizes his voice. Now he plans to start his married life with Joanna.



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Boy In A Mysterious Coma, Finally Awakens

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