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Bikers Escort Bullied School-Boy

Kids dread the first day of school but this Indiana boy dreaded the start of the school year.


A sixth-grader, Phil Mick was bullied by his school mates for his clothes and weight.“He was hiding it,” Phil’s mom, Tammy Mick, said. “He came home with bumps and bruises. He said he wanted to end his life and I stepped up as a parent and tried to get things taken care of.”


Brent Warfeild who was a sales manager decided to give the boy an escorted ride. ” When you hear an 11-year-old-kid talking about getting kicked and picked on all because they don’t have as much money or wear nice clothes, being overweight and then having an 11-year-old son myself, it reached down deep and hit me.”


Warfeild has asked some other bikers too, so on his first day almost 50 bikers arrived  at Phil’s house, with clothes and supplies, and escorted him to school.


Phil was really overwhelmed by all this and became very happy. All this had given him a new confidence. “They made my son very happy,” Tammy said. “It gave him confidence,” Warfield explained. “The middle school is a fresh start for him. I’ve talked to him several days since. He goes to school happy, comes home happy.”



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Bikers Escort Bullied School-Boy

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