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Watch: Russian FM Believed to Have Received Classified Data on ISIS Laughs at US

The Russian government has released an embarrassing video which shows Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other European official chortle about Donald Trump’s ongoing drama “passing secrets to Russia.”

The clip showing Lavrov and allies just sitting down around a table to being a meeting with Secretary General of Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland. When the photographer takes first snap Jagland jokes:

“These pictures won’t cause any problems for you?”

Lavrov answers: “Depends on what kind of secrets you pass on to me” — and the men erupt in laughter.

Actually Trump’s White House meeting last week was with lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which believed to be the meeting in which POTUS passed classified information on ISIS to Russians provided to the USA by Israel secretly.

American journalists had not been allowed the only photographer from the Russian government run news agency Tass was there. Later a photo was published by the Russian government in which Trump shaking hands with Lavrov and Kislyak which photo the White House was assured would not be published.

The controversial meeting was held just the day after Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey over the “Russian thing,” the president later revealed to NBC News.

The New York Times reported Friday that Trump called Comey a “nut job” in his meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off,” the Times quoted Trump as saying.

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Watch: Russian FM Believed to Have Received Classified Data on ISIS Laughs at US

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