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Trump Confidently Says Syrian Strike Has Wiped Out Russian Scandal

WASHINGTON— President D. J. Trump announced in a conference held by him on Friday, after he ordered the first U.S. military strike against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad. He expressed the full confidence that U.S. military strike has completely wiped off the Russian scandal.

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“Based on intelligence we have received over the past several hours, the attack on the al-Shayrat air base in Homs has successfully eliminated all discussions and allegations about my administration’s ties to the Russian government,” said Trump.

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Photo: AP

He furthermore said, at 4:40 a.m. local time, 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles had been fired from U.S. naval ships that swept off controversial connection banter from Media houses across America.

“Ordering this strike was not a decision I took lightly, but given that it was the only way to decisively eradicate any attention being paid to congressional investigations into possible collusion between key members of my staff and high-ranking Kremlin officials, I decided it was a necessary course of action. If we learn that any remnants of this scandal remain after this attack, I will not hesitate to order further strikes.”

He also added that he has left the option for potential invasion of Syria open and if any such troubling evidence reappears that there is somehow a Russian lead is involved in the outcome of presidential election 2016, the USA will not hesitate to continue strikes.

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Trump Confidently Says Syrian Strike Has Wiped Out Russian Scandal

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