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7 Signs That A Woman Loves You

While dating we take a lot of time over the fact, whether the other person is interested in us the way we are. When you come to know that the other person is probably even more confused than you are. This dilemma can be easily solved if we look out for some evident signs that will help us decide.


1. Its All In The Eyes:

its all in the eyes

According to doctor Jeremy Nicholson, a psychologist, we can learn a lot by looking at a woman’s eyes. If a woman holds your gaze a little longer than normal then its a sure sign that she is showing her interest in you. Looking at each other and holding each other’s gaze, you must be sure LOVE IS IN THE AIR.


2. Body Language:body language says it all

Often a woman’s body language will tell you a lot, her willingness and her wish to be involved in you. According to Doctor  Nicholson, her entire body will be relaxed and at ease. She may play fondly with her jewelry or hair and gaze intently at you. While her standoffish behavior will tell you otherwise, SORRY LUCK IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE.


3. Laughing Unrestrained:

laughing at just about anything you sayAccording to a study conducted by some German psychologists, a woman’s laughter can easily tell you about her involvement and attraction to the person she is with. Laughing at the smallest pretext show’s her interest in you.

shell find any excuse to touch you

4. Finding Excuses To Touch:

Another sure sign that tells about a woman’s interest is her touch. If interested in you she will find the smallest excuse to touch or be near you.

the hair flip

5. The Hair Flip:

Most often women don’t realize but when attracted to someone they tend to touch their face. twirl their hair or touch other parts of the body.

drawing attention to her mouth

6. Drawing Attention To Her Mouth:

Often women are seen to touch their faces or to bite their lips to show their interest in starting a relationship.

texting means shes thinking of you

7. Texting Means She’s Thinking Of You:

If a woman texts you often than its a sure sign that she’s interested in you and wants to go further. Writing love-letters was a sure way to keep your romance young but now texting has taken its place.

happily ever after

Happily Ever After:

We all want to fall in love and enjoy life but finding the right person is quite risky and confusing.

Hopefully these signs will help you to find MRS RIGHT.



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7 Signs That A Woman Loves You

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