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Trump’s Accusation Without A Proof – Obama & FBI Deny ‘Trump’s Wiretap’ Claims

In several TV appearances Monday morning, the White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended President Trump’s accusation of having his place wiretapped by Obama administration just before election in 2016. The claims have been denied by not only Obama but also James Clapper former Director of National Intelligence and James Comey the FBI Director.


The Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos was told by Sanders that Trump has refused to accept Comey’s denial.

According to Business Insider

With no proofs and evidence Trump tweeted on Saturday morning that “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

How Trump knew that Obama tapped his phones, Kellyanne Conway, the White House Counselor was asked who also appeared on “Fox and Friends” Monday morning.

“He’s the President of the United States. He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.” Conway replied.

According to BBC

Writing from his weekend home in Florida, he called the alleged tapping “Nixon/Watergate”, referring to the most notorious political scandal of 1972, which led to the downfall of President Richard Nixon after a web of political spying, sabotage and bribery was exposed by the media.

The spokesman for Mr Obama, Kevin Lewis, said the accusation was “simply false”.

A “cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice”, he said.

A similar news was reporter by NYTIMES

The official offered no evidence to support the notion that such an order exists. It would be a highly unusual breach of the Justice Department’s traditional independence on law enforcement matters for the White House to order it to turn over such an investigative document.
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Both Sanders’ and Conway’s statements came after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s statement Sunday that “Neither the White House nor the President will comment further until the congressional intelligence committees investigate Trump’s claims.”

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Trump’s Accusation Without A Proof – Obama & FBI Deny ‘Trump’s Wiretap’ Claims

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