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This Woman Found Purpose To Ensure No One Else Would Walk Either After She Was Told by Doctors ‘She’d Never Walk Again

Diana Kardum’s diagnosis did not look good. It was unthinkable that a shower slip could lead to an eternal disability. It was when Diana thought to fight back. When she was told by the doctors that she’d never be able to walk again she made it her prime mission that if she wont, no one else would either.


Most of the people who underwent a similar situation would be thinking they’d be stuck into wheelchairs forever, but not Diana. She instantly start thinking if she could not, it is essential to make sure, no one else would be using their legs, so it would never occur to them that they are anyway better than her.

With her amazing gift of finding silver linings on things perspective, Diana is putting her all efforts to rather bring able-bodied person down to match her level. Instead of trying her best to stand she is bent upon bringing the tall looking mocking social animals to her paralyzed standing.

BECAUSE she wants the society to be built exclusively for people in wheelchairs as well and she wont stop trying until the society achieves such status quo. In her own words, “If I can’t have legs, than nobody fucking can.”

Lets hope Diana’s resolve keep her strong until she reaches her destination. She will solve the mystery of the world to walk all together. She has shown the world a spirit that is lacking in the people after they meet an accident, specially when such accidents paralyze their bodies they feel downtrodden and inferior.

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This Woman Found Purpose To Ensure No One Else Would Walk Either After She Was Told by Doctors ‘She’d Never Walk Again

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