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The Family Goes Under Unbelievable Gender Transformation – Are They Happy?

At  11 years of age Corey Maison knew he wanted to be a girl, the body that he was living in felt strange to him but he was scared of her parents disapproval. He was unaware of this  that his mother, Erica was also going through similar feelings. And four years later it was a father-daughter relationship between them.

Erica had got this strength for this gender transition after Corey become the young woman she had always felt like inside. Just like Corey Erica also had similar fears of rejection by her family. But after due surgical procedures and a lot of family sittings Eric has been embraced with open arms by his loving family.

Corey’s and Eric’s story has been published as part of the Gender Revolution, a National Geographic Series. “They are moving in opposite directions but toward their true selves,” the author wrote .

Corey and Eric going through the gender transition together.


Corey was born male but felt trapped inside a body that wasn’t hers.


At the age of 11 she made the decision to be the girl she really was.


Corey was afraid of her parent’s disapproval not knowing what her mother was going through.


“I wanted to make my parents proud of who I am”.


Inspired by his daughter Erica came out as Eric in 2016.


“The first feeling was relief, the second was terror”, said Erica.


Eric has been embraced by his family and undergoing various surgeries.


“I have five beautiful children and an amazing life”.


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The Family Goes Under Unbelievable Gender Transformation – Are They Happy?

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