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The Women’s 1920 Street-Style Shown Through These Photos

After the First World War, the 1920’s was known as the year of creativity and great fashion styles. This was the time when people became bold and daring in their fashion and became more innovative. It was only due to these fashion designers of the 1920’s that we are experiencing new fashion trends.

Below are some photos that are showing the amazing women’s street style from the 1920’s.

1. Oscar- winning actress, Norma Shearer, at the White House, 1929

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2. Woman hanging posters in Greenwich Village, 1920.

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3. Girl and her yo-yo, 1928.


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4. Spring fashion in Easter, Washington, 1928.

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5. Girls in Harlem, 1927.

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6. Stylish ladies in Milan, Italy, 1929.

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7.  Woman and her dog in Washington, 1920.

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8. Women in dresses by Puttnam, 1920.

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9. Ladies in dresses by Seeberger Freres.


10. Models in wrap over-coats, in 1923.

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11. Woman in acurved dress.

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12. Lady in Town Fashion.

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13. Women in street-style, 1920.

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14. Woman in free hanging dress, 1926.

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15. Woman styled by Lanvin.

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The Women’s 1920 Street-Style Shown Through These Photos

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