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Couple Marrying at 400 Feet Height And The Wedding Pictures Are Too Good To Believe

The couple is getting married at 400 feet height and these detailed pictures about how it went are unbelievably incredible. The wedding was a marvelous experience.

Many People believe that getting married and building a new house are two very stressful things. But this Californian couple defied all the odds and went extra mile while achieving the heights while saying we can manage a marriage very well at 400 feet above the sea level. 

Ryan Jenks and Kimberly Weglin are two of a kind who tied the knot atop the desert Moab, Utah where they had fell in love earlier and got engaged. “It only made sense to them to get married here too,” wrote the photographers on their Instagram.

“It is a representation of confidence, self-love, and life; the energy I want to surround myself with and carry with me into our marriage and throughout our lives together,” the bride (Waglin) said in an instagram post.

The wedding photos of the ceremony are way unbelievable that it will make you imagine how surrealistic the real event must have been. 

Have a look at some of their photos with the attendants from the wedding below. Can you afford to marry like they did?

Ryan And Kimberly Fell in Love in Moab Utah

Marriage done at 120 meters high will take your breath away 5a65abf282ab0 880

They Got Married 400 Feet High Above The Ground

Marriage done at 120 meters high will take your breath away 5a65abc934c34 880

Look How The Eventful Their Wedding Ceremony Had Been

Marriage done at 120 meters high will take your breath away 5a65abc379689 880









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Couple Marrying at 400 Feet Height And The Wedding Pictures Are Too Good To Believe

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