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5 Most Expensive TV Shows By Netflix

People were really worried when they read a Los Angeles Times report saying” Netflix is 20 billion in debt and many worried that the company was moving too fast. But all this has been proven technically wrong because though Netflix has some debts but it is mostly in deals where they have to pay TV shows. And another reason for their spending such large amounts is part of a plan that if they are successful they might rise as a major media power. 

The head of content at Netflix said in an interview that the company’s “hit ratio is way too high right now”.

Below is the list of some of the expensive shows by Netflix.

1. The Crown:


 The show had a big budget as it was the mos expensive show ever made. Its budget for season 1 was $130 million and the same was true for the second season.

Netflix has given such that have received great critical acclaim but the company is still working to make such a show that would be at par with Game of Thrones. Although ‘The Crown’ is a hit with critics but still it does not have the same calibre..

2. The Get Down:


According to a general consensus The Get Down is more expensive than The Crown. But it was cancelled just after one show as it turned out to be a huge flop.  By some estimates, The Get Down was more expensive than The Crown and was probably the costliest show on Netflix. Just the first season cost about $120 million.

3. Sense 8:


This is a sci-fi TV show and consists of two very expensive seasons. One episode of this show reportedly cost about $9 million so at this rate the first season of the show took $108 million.

4. Marco Polo:


This show was made on the same lines as the Game of Thrones and was meant to be its rival. The show had 10 episodes and it cost around  $90 million but it failed to get much critical acclaim. Like Sense8 it just made till the second season.

5. House of Cards:


The cast of’House of Cards’ had some Hollywood stars and a director who was a Academy Award nominee. The show had a budget of $50 million for its first season which the director, David Fincher managed to get from Netflix after much debate. However unlike other shows, House of Cards proved to be a hit and is now going through its fifth season.


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5 Most Expensive TV Shows By Netflix

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