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Bjork’s New Vivid Virtual Reality ‘Notget’ Video is Aweinspiring

Björk’s being enveloped into an animated avatar dances in a vibrant ocean in the recent virtual reality “Notget” video. This video is directed by Warren Du Perez and Nick Thornton Jones.

The brooding, orchestral epic is the brand new song from her 2015 LP, Vulnicura, to get the VR treatment, following “Black Lake,” “Stonemilker” begetting a trailer for “Family” clip.

The Icelandic beauty and singer enjoys a mastery at art-pop, has brought in her rejuvenated visual masterpiece in the unique VR format.

A preview was presented by her in the August last year in a press conference.

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Bjork’s New Vivid Virtual Reality ‘Notget’ Video is Aweinspiring

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