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12 Mother’s Day Fails That Will Make You Glad It Was Not You

Mother’s day is a very special days for a mother and her family. The children, minors or adults, all respect her and manage to buy some special gifts for their mother. Here the story is otherwise and lets see why is that:

#1 The Son Returns Home Dead Drunk

#2 This Kid Failed at Choosing Appropriate Words

#3 This kid’s artistic ability didn’t quite live up to his sister’s.

#4 This daughter needs some proper reading

#5 Very bad timing for this son-in-law

#6 This husband

#7 This son who underestimated the power of Social Media

#8 When a daughter has lofty pinterest dreams

#9 A spendthrift son’s efforts on mother’s day

#10 The store was not equally prepared for mother’s day

#11 This apparently failing dad tried well

#12 And this husband

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12 Mother’s Day Fails That Will Make You Glad It Was Not You

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