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This Infographic Photo Shows 10 Corporations Own The Major Products in The World

A great diversity in the market that sets the supermarket aisles’ beauty at a record scale is defined by a simple inforgraphic image that reveals the truth. When we see myriad of products on supermarket everyday, our brain thinks of those many companies behind them but this simple infographic shows only ten major corporations hold the responsibility of manufacturing these products, the bulk of what we shove into our shopping cart.

Photo: Forbes

To further explain the figurative point, Oxfam International has shown a comprehensive infographic image that features the mindblowing exclusive reach of “The Big 10” food and beverage manufacturers.

There is a heap of misinformation that never gets revealed about how American food system is associated with one another like Quaker Granola Bars manufactured by PepsiCo, Kit-Kat is made by Nestle but did you know that frozen California Pizza Chicken pies also belong to them.

Image: Sploid

Is Pineapple Fanta really sourced straight from the mythical Fanta Islands? No. It is canned along with Barq’s root beer at Coca-Cola factory.

According to Oxfam’s report, “The world’s largest food and beverage companies have a lot of power – but you have more. And because they’re not using theirs enough to help poor communities or the planet, you can use yours to change the way they do business.”

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This Infographic Photo Shows 10 Corporations Own The Major Products in The World

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