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5 Starbucks Product Failures You Did Not Notice Much For Many Years


Starbucks is becoming such a huge brand with so much product shuffling that it appears knotty to hint on what has gone missing. Reviewing the products there had been 7 products that have left the starbucks shelves.

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The Yummy beverage Pumpkin Spice Latte has been the constant contender since 2004 and seems to stay for a long.

Starbucks ChanticoChantico was made of all milk with steamed cocoa butterphotobucket/welsh73

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But items like Chantico, liquid Chocolate, Coffee-and-soda-hybrid and Mazagran seriously failed to leave any positive impact on people’s mind. Resultantly they were never shelved back on Starbucks cool cupboards.

But others, like “Chantico” liquid chocolate and “Mazagran” — a coffee-and-soda hybrid — failed miserably.

We rounded up some of Starbucks’ biggest fails with the help of You can check out more fails with Melody Overton. via BI

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5 Starbucks Product Failures You Did Not Notice Much For Many Years

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