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21 Bizarre Facts About Toilets Across The World

‘Toilets’ have taken the name’wash-rooms’ because now they are serving more purposes then what they were made for. In addition to the basic function toilets were made for, nowadays they serve the function of performing toiletries also. Some places in the world have unusual toilets and they are listed below:Z

1. Cuba:

bathroom with carera marble 2

Here no toilet paper is provided to the people.

2. Paris:

In the past public toilets were considered to be artistic.

3. Japan:

You have to guess how to use the toilet


4. Sweden:

They charge you for using the toilets.


5. Rural China:china

Toilets were unisex and just a rectangular hole in the ground.


6. Scotland:Scotland

You have to go to people’s houses to use a restroom.

7. Spain:

There’s a separate seat for washing yourself.Spain


8. Ireland:

Here people do not  like to use public bathrooms.Ireland


9. Australia:

AustraliaBe careful because snakes often come in the bath rooms.


10. New Zealand:

Re-cycled material is used to make public Zealand


11 Laos:

The population here is so scarce that there are no public toilets.


12 Egypt:

You have to buy the toilet paper.


13. Ukraine:

A rectangular hole in the ground.


14. Malawi:

They are introducing public toilets.Malawi


15. Iceland:

Targets are set for men’s urinals.Iceland


16. Belgium:

Here the public toilets are portable.


17. Peru:

Public Toilets are in the open.


18. Poland:

They do not provide the facility of public toilets.


19. Germany:Germany

They have some superb private restrooms.


20. Ancient Rome:

Ancient Rome

In olden times the same sponge was used to clean up afterwards.


21. Asian Countries:

Asain Countries


Most of them do not carry toilet paper.

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21 Bizarre Facts About Toilets Across The World

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