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10 Things Guys Wish Women Knew

Usually all the dating advice that we get from our friends and family is not always helpful. Simply for the reason that every situation is different and every person is unique. So the best thing to start from is to get to know  all that you can, about the opposite sex. However below are listed ten things that every guy would want women to know.

intro 1

1. They Are Not Actually Afraid Of Commitment:theyre not actually afraid of commitment


According to a study conducted by the center for Disease Control and Prevention, as compared to women a greater number of men preferred marriage over lifelong single-hood. Just like women, men also believed in relationships and wanted to have a proper family life.


2. They Like It When You Wear Zero Make-up:

they like it when you wear zero makeup really

Men actually appreciate women who are confident enough to go about with their natural looks, without any make-up. In an interview with Jenny Proud-foot, the writer of Marie Claire, men actually owned this statement because they said that while dating they wanted to know the other person’s true self.


3. They Act Extra Confident When They Are Not Feeling Confident:

they act extra confident when theyre not feeling confident 1

Its not just women who are worried about their looks but often men also have these thoughts. Its only that men talk about them less frequently. Men also worry about their looks quite often infect they act extra macho and confident on the days when they are not feeling confident at all.


4. They Don’t Think Watching Adult Movies Is A Big Deal:they dont think watching adult movies is a big deal at all 1


Most men watch adult movies even when they are in a serious relationship because they just don’t think its that big of a deal. This is in  no way an indicator that he doesn’t want you. Most men consider self-love as a private act and probably do it to relieve their stress.


5. They Want You To Like The Same Things:

they want you to like the same things but not overdo it 1

We should try to have some similar  interests with our life-partner but at the same time we should see that its perfectly normal for couples to have different interests. Its normal not to spend all of your time with each other so there’s no need to overdo ourselves. Basically we should be genuinely interested without forcing ourselves.


6. They Want You To Compliment Them:

they want you to compliment them at least a little bit 1

Even the smallest gesture or sweet words can go a long way and its important to remember that guys aren’t immune to flattery. Therefore we should keep this fact in mind and complement them on those things or roles that they are proud of.


7. They Really Do Think Of Nothing Sometimes:

they really do think about nothing sometimes 1

The most common grievance women have is that when asked men never disclose to them as to what they are thinking. Whereas according to the men when they say ‘nothing’ its true that they are really not thinking about anything.


8. They Can Fake Their Climaxes Too:

they can fake their climaxes too 1

The media has mainly implemented this idea that when women are not in the mood they usually fake climaxes but the same is true about men also.


9. They Want You To Pitch In When The Bill Comes:

they want you to pitch in when the bill comes

During an interview some of the guys revealed that its very unattractive and off-putting when a guy is expected to pay for everything. The guys think that just offering to divide the bill is a nice gesture so we see that the guys like when they are stopped from paying alone.


10. They Need Their Alone Time:

they need their alone time 1

Just as much as the women enjoy their private time, men appreciate their alone time too. So we see that if they spend a little time alone with their friends, this will refresh them and it will be better for both the partners.







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10 Things Guys Wish Women Knew

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