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This Grandma Who Looked Like Scarlett Johansson in 60s Just Got Invited To Get Drunk With Her

There is an old woman out there in the world who looked exactly like Scarlett Johansson in 60s when she was young. When she sent a message with a photo to Scarlett Johansson, she invites her for a drink.

The story does not end here. Her photo had been shared on Social Media too. The photo of the woman, “Geraldine” went viral when her grandchild shared it on Imgur and Reddit.

My Grandma Looked Like Scarlett Johansson When She Was Younger

Photo: Imgur

A comparison – They really look like the same

Photo: HP

Recently Scarlett Johansson has openly invited her for a drink through a video response.

Geraldine, I cannot tell you, I have been absolutely inundated with emails and messages about how much we look alike. And I had to look at the photo myself. Holy crap,” Scarlett said in the video message to her doppelganger.

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“I saw that you were, quote, ‘drunk as a skunk’ when taking that photo, and I would like to see your drunk face,” she added. “I want to share a drunk face with you. Let’s have a drink, Geraldine.”

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This Grandma Who Looked Like Scarlett Johansson in 60s Just Got Invited To Get Drunk With Her

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