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A Small Dog Invents Novel Way to Beg Food & Becomes Overnight Internet Star

Dogs have cute instinct attached to them when it comes to getting treats. Like humans, there are those who are clever than the others. See this wily pooch’s engagement with household to increase her chances of tasty morsel has made her an internet celebrity.

Adriana Burkhart 19-year-old, a student at Michigan State University from Midland, recently shared the tactics of her two-year-old mutt named Bella, uses novel tactics to beg food.

Adriana revealed that her dog has been using 10-year-old retriever as a stepping stool smartly. The smaller dog has been doing that for a year and keep hopping around the house on the sofas for a year.

The tiny pooch is a major member of the family of Adriana’s five dogs that include a golden retriever “Hank.” See below how Bella has been using Hank to beg food.

‘She’s the smallest of the dogs, so she uses him whenever she wants attention but all the other dogs are around,’ Adriana told BuzzFeed, adding that Bella uses Hank as a sort of ‘stepping stool’.

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The snapper: Adriana Burkhart, 19, from Midland, Michigan, lives with Bella at Michigan State University, where she is a junior

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‘Whenever we’re making food, she uses Hank to get a better vantage point so she can be closer to the counter,’ said Adriana.

More info: DM

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A Small Dog Invents Novel Way to Beg Food & Becomes Overnight Internet Star

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