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The Reason Why Two White Officers Wanted ‘Only Black Attorney of Florida’ to Pull Over is Just Too Much

This footage shows the two white police officers have been struggling to explain why they pulled over Florida’s Floridan only black attorney.

The Orlando Police Department posted this video which shows two white officers approaching the car of State Attorney Aramis Ayala after the pulled her over on June 19 about 8.15pm.

Here is the story

Video shows two officers struggling to explain why they pulled over Florida’s only black state attorney, Aramis Ayala (pictured).

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Footage was posted online by the Orlando Police Department and it shows Ayala in her car

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The state attorney handed one of the officers her license, leading to an awkward exchange between them.

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Ayala appeared to be getting annoyed with the cops during the stop, which took place on the night of June 19.

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The officers struggled to answer why they demanded her to pull over by simply saying “the windows are really dark.”

Watch the full video.


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The Reason Why Two White Officers Wanted ‘Only Black Attorney of Florida’ to Pull Over is Just Too Much

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