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Funny List Of Rules For Dog Sitter by This Woman is The Current Viral Buzz

When a nephew Tommy Rivers to lookafter aunt’s pup Pepper for just a day, he was surprised to see Pepper coming up with a list of rules to be followed by the keeper. Some of them were so cutely hilarious that internet fell in love with aunt and her Pepper.

When Tommy agreed to baby-sit the dog.

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Tommy was surprised to see the pup coming up with a set of rules to be followed

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Look at the note she left, way too much lengthier than the nephew needed to know.

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It was difficult for his fans to resist so they asked Tommy about Pepper

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This is the internet reacted afterwards.

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h/t: Distratctify| BP

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Funny List Of Rules For Dog Sitter by This Woman is The Current Viral Buzz

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