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The Most Striking Geological Wonders Of The World

There are geological wonders that have been rarely seen by the people. They definitely define a different mode of nature. The mother nature which embraces us despite all our shortcomings, it also holds the wonders define its different phenomena.

Check them out

1. Mouraki Boulders, New Zealand.

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These unusually large stone spheres with a diameter of one to two meters  are found along the east coast of New Zealand in a place called Moeraki. Nobody knows about their origin although there are many Moari legends, but scientists claim that these boulders are the result of coastal erosion.

2. White Desert, Egypt

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White Desert  is a small area in the east of the Sahara desert about 10 km x 30 km,located 45 kilometers from the town of FarafraThis place is famous for its creamy white color and strange limestone formations. Over the centuries, sandstorms have made these limestone mountains in such a alien landscape.

3. Giants, Northern Ireland.

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The trail is made of  40,000 interconnected basalt columns which were formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption. The tops of the columns form a sort of stone road going into the sea.

4. Reed Flute Cave, Province Guilin, China.

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This place was an ocean once, but then the water gradually went away, exposing these amazing mountains with strange gorges, caves and cavernsThis is a magical spectacle which has been attracting people for more than 12 centuriesThe name of the cave is because of a special cane growing at its entrancefrom which  particularly melodious flutes were made.

5. Mono Lake, California.

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The Mono Lake is an extensive and shallow lake that has no outlet to the ocean. This has led to the isolation of a high concentration of salt in water. Although the alkali fish is not found in abundance here with the ecosystem is very productive.One of the wonders of the lake are considered calc-tuff towers that were exposed after the decline of the water level in the lake.

6. Socotra Islands, Yemen.

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Socotra is one of the most isolated archipelagos in the world. It is located 240 kilometers from the Horn of Africa and 380 kilometers from the Arabian Peninsula. Due to this geological and biological containment and the climate of the archipelago some unique flora and fauna are found here.For this reason, Socotra has been listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.

7. The Twelve Apostles, Australia.

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The Twelve Apostles  are a group of limestone rocks in the ocean near the coast , located on the  Great Ocean Road in Victoria, AustraliaRocks were formed by erosion and strong ocean winds gradually wore away the soft rock, turning the cave into an arch. Then arches fell down after sometime and the result was these amazing structures, up to 45 meters high.

8. Devils Tower, Wyoming.

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This monolith of volcanic origin is the oldest “national monument” of the U.S.. The Devils Tower was formed about 200 million years ago from molten magma that rose from the depths of the earth, and stood in the form of elegant columns. The Native Americans attached many legends to it.

9. The Gates Of Hell, Turkmenistan.


Near the village Darwaza Soviet geologists discovered an underground accumulation of gasThe land in this place failed and formed a largegas-filled hole. As it was harmful for the people and the livestock they decided to set fire to it..Geologists think that the fire was soon extinguished, but they made ​​a mistake. Since 1971, the natural gas here  continues to burn.

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The Most Striking Geological Wonders Of The World

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