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How To See Constellations With Naked Eyes Without Any Telescope

Identifying and looking at Constellations is not easy. You should take some instruments and look closely. You can find the constellations and look at them with naked eyes.

1- Find a Star Chart

2- A Dark Sky


Centaurus A, Ngc 5128, Galaxy, Centaurus Constellation

Chart Like This


For using a star chart to locate constellations, you got to find it first for the specific time of year.
1- Face North to Orient the Star chart.
2- If the star chart shows South, turn it and along with you to South.
3- Line up everything by facing Polaris for North.
Polaris is the North Star. It is one of the brightest star and is most of the time near the horizon.
You can find a map Here

Some images of Constellations

Globular Cluster, Stars, Messier 92

Sky, Night, Milky Way, Star, Constellations

Star Clusters, Galaxy, Star, Ngc 602

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How To See Constellations With Naked Eyes Without Any Telescope

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