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3 Real Horror Stories That Shook The People Around

There are so many real paranormal stories around the world. Most of them true and very scary to tell. The people where these things actually have happened have been scared and have moved from those places.

horror by valvett

via: velvett

Here are 3 of Them

#1 Missing Boy South Carolina 1984

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This Photo was found in an abandoned parking lot after some time.

On April 13th, 1984 a very young and beautiful little boy went missing in a small town of South Carolina. The boy was never found and is missing till today. This case is still open.

#Paranormal Real Story 2

When An Angel Calls

Nightmare, Scary, Horror, Fear, Dark, Creepy, Spooky

Local fire station Pensacola, Florida received a call at 4:00 a.m. When they heard an answer they heard the scream of many people and the sound of cracking fire. The fireman yelled in astonishment for the person to tell them their location right away. They heard not just one person using the phone but everyone they heard screaming before answering in unison “1242 Westbrooke apartment complex D.”

Eyes, Cat, Halloween, Black, Luck, Bad, Dark, Animal

The firefighters all rushed over and looked in astonishment and the apartment complex was completely unharmed. They took precaution and evacuated everyone from the complex. Grumpy and groggy the people living inside took their pets and children and waited outside. The firefighters did a clean run-through of the apartment. But before the chief firefighter was about to release the waiting owners an explosion on the lower part of the complex occurred. Flames started appearing rapidly in all of the windows and the apartment slowly began to turn into ash and cinders. Upon further inspection they found a gas pipe line had ruptured and was ignited by a water heater flame.

Troll, Ugly, Monster, Alien, Ears, Goblin, Grin, Mean

The firefighters were shocked when they saw what had happened and it was a miraculous task done just because they received the call on right time. When they redialled the number to thank the caller, they received the message like this,”We are sorry this number no more exists, perhaps you dialed a wrong number… please hang up or try the number again…


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#Paranormal Real Phenomenon

Hum The Phenomenon

The hum is what people have called a phenomena that occurs in some places in the world. It is a low frequency humming voice that sounds not unlike a distant running engine. However, the source can never be found. Even with microphones and all sorts of audio technology. The source of Hum has yet to be found. The most popular location to hear the Hum is Taos, New Mexico. Only some can hear it as well as feel it. They can hear it throughout the day and into the night. The Hum does not stop. It has never stopped.

Wikipedia About Hum

Many people hear the Hum only or much more inside the buildings as compared with outdoors. Earplugs are reported as not decreasing the Hum. The Hum is often perceived more intensely during the night. The common consequences include a lack of sleep as the Hum keep some sufferers awake or wake them in the middle of the night. What will you do if you hear Hum.


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3 Real Horror Stories That Shook The People Around

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