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‘I Dont Know Putin’ Trump Denies The Most Talked About Ties With Putin

President Trump, today, announced he does not know Vladimir Putin. He also had put some light on Obama Regime’s stand on Iran previously and what they could have done possibly.

via: Twitter

Although Trump had previously talked on phone with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin but that was no more than an official call. Previously he said that Putin had called him a “Genius”.

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Now President Donald Trump says he does not know who Putin is. He shrugged off denying any deals in Russia. Earlier it was believed that Trump is going to rewrite the American foreign policy for Russian appeasement.

lede 170111 donald trump presser 11 gty
US President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a press conference January 11, 2017 at Trump Tower in New York.
Trump held his first news conference in nearly six months Wednesday, amid explosive allegations over his ties to Russia, a little more than a week before his inauguration. / AFP / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)

His recent announcement has been otherwise.

“I don’t know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy – yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!”


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‘I Dont Know Putin’ Trump Denies The Most Talked About Ties With Putin

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