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Barack Obama Vs Richard Foilboard & Kitesurfing Challenge – Video+Images

The founder of Virgin Group, Richard Branson, invited President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama on the British Virgin Islands for an exclusively amazing break. However, through these photos, video, and tweets it looks like they truly enjoyed there.

rvb hijack 350 cut

He said:

It was a huge honour to be able to invite President Barack and Michelle Obama down to the British Virgin Islands for a complete break after Barack finished his second term as President and the family left the White House.

rvb hijack 595Obama told him wonderful stories and the first one was about his dangerous surfing break in Hawaii even before becoming the president:

“One of the first stories Barack told me when he and Michelle arrived on Moskito Island was how, just before he became President, he had been surfing on a dangerous break in Hawaii. When he came in from an exhilarating session, the new head of his security team turned to him and said: “This will be the last time you surf for eight years.” For the next eight years he didn’t have the chance to surf, enjoy watersports or do many of the things he loved.”

Richard felt exhilarated to offer him the chance to learn kitesurfing as well. He said that kitesurfing had taken great attention of masses over the course of time and the people are turning to it in a large number.
 Media Credit: Virgin | Twitter

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Barack Obama Vs Richard Foilboard & Kitesurfing Challenge – Video+Images

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