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Hurricane Irma: Miami Breathes Hard as Superstorm Winds Hit Florida Coast – Latest Updates

South of Naples, Florida, on the state’s Gulf coast, the Tampa Bay Times’ Zack Sampson have tweeted that the outer bands of rain are reaching the beaches.

The outer bands of rain reached the southern part of Miami earlier Saturday morning.  According to The National Weather Service there reports “gusty showers” of 45-55mph, with the immense possibility of thickened clouds.

Broward County, Miami-Dade and also the south of Palm Beach counties, have announced a 4 p.m. curfew to do the necessary last-minute preparation and get people inside. Authorities have been repeatedly warning the people that they will not be able to help people once the storm hits.

Gradually The Wind is Picking Up in Miami

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Hurricane Irma: Miami Breathes Hard as Superstorm Winds Hit Florida Coast – Latest Updates

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