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A Six Year Old Saves Cousins From Drowning

At the age of just six years, a Louisiana kid is being hailed a savior for what he did as he found out his two rather younger twin cousins were faced down in the pool after a family get-together.


Just after a family gathering, first-grade student Branson Lee went outside looking for his two-year-old brother as the door to their house’s backyard was left ajar. The moment he spotting his little brother, Branson he come to realize that his two-year-old twin cousins were deeply in the trouble in pool and seemed to be drowning.

“My nephew happened to be walking outside because his little brother, who is the same age as my boys, was wandering outside too,” said Jeannie Kelley, the twins’ mom. “He saw his brother and grabbed him, and that is when he saw my babies. And he ran outside and grabbed them and pulled them up out of the pool and started yelling for us.”


“He said he just dove in,” said Courtney Lee, Branson’s mom. “All he knew is he had to try to save them … It was a miraculous thing to know that at 6 years old he didn’t just scream and run away. He didn’t just ignore it or stand there in shock. He just immediately acted and allowed God to do the rest.”

Branson immediately made efforts and finally succeeded in pulling Kaden and Isaac off the pool and reviving them by chest compressions. “They were completely gone,” Kelley said. “There was no life left in them. They were blue. They were limp. There was no heartbeat. There was nothing.” Cousins’ father, Steven Kelley, held over CPR and, spontaneously, the boys had started breathing again soon after.

The responders immediately rushed both Kaden and Isaac to the nearby hospital, and doctors were very much surprised to see that they did not show a single trace of brain damage. “The next morning, they were just like nothing had ever happened,” Kelley said. “They were wanting to play, and they pulled their IVs out. They took their oxygen off themselves.”


“It was so amazing how everything came together, because if one thing had changed — other than the door being locked like it should have — if anything had changed, who knows what the outcome would have been. Everything just lined up perfect. Everyone just had their place whether they were praying or alerting us. It was amazing.”

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A Six Year Old Saves Cousins From Drowning

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