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How To Get A Passport Fast?

Travelling has an element of fun and excitement to it but then there are few last minute requirements, might be quite a damper on your mood, if they are not in your favor. And the foremost is when you check your pass-port and realize it has expired and that also right before your trip.

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Now if you get it renewed through the usual procedure its sure going to take six to eight weeks, and where is it going to take you. You sure need to apply for an expedited passport.

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An expedited passport takes anywhere from two to eight weeks to process and the applicants have to pay a $60 expedite fee for it. The applicants can deposit this fee via mail or at a nearby acceptance facility. If you want your passport even faster then you can pay more for overnight shipping and receive the passport even faster.

If the travelers are leaving in two to three week’s time then you can make an appointment at a passport agency or center and apply for the passport. The Regional Passport Agencies are located throughout every country.

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This task is also done by the private expediters who can also process the passport applications quickly. They can easily give you a new passport the very next day. The fee that they charge for the whole procedure is $449 along with the government fees. And if you can afford to wait for some time than you get your passport in 10-12 days and you will be charged $109.

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An option is given by the government, to those travelers who need their passport renewal or visa immediately, this is the’ Life or Death Emergencies’ option. This option enables you to get a passport within three days but only those people who are facing some serious illness, injuries, or death in the immediate family can apply for it.

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How To Get A Passport Fast?

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