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Poll: Do You Think Trump’s Twitter is Not Being Censored? Please Share Your Opinion

IMPORTANT: Rate Twitter’s hypocrisy from worse to worst for showing only hate tweets whenever Trump tweets. Click & see below every single tweet is bombarded with hate speech at top. Why every tweets is trolled by the left alone? Is it really understandable for someone as popular as POTUS only being followed by haters? Is it not being censored? If you are a true Trumper you should opine about it.
Choose a word to discourage twitter’s such practice of censoring Trump’s tweets such as mean, bad, worse, worst, hypocrite etc.

A survey shows that POTUS Donald Trump’s twitter account has been bombarded with hate-tweets on the top. Click below you’ll see every single tweet by Trump slurred by hate speech.

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vox (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Donald Trump

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Poll: Do You Think Trump’s Twitter is Not Being Censored? Please Share Your Opinion

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