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Old Photos of The Politicians Before They Became Popular Leaders

Having a past is a natural phenomenon specially when the politics is involved everything is on the record. These are the photos that were taken before they entered the politics.

You know the reputation of the major politicians such as Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, and Richard Nixon. You can see how how they looked before they joined the political scene.

Some of them look very different see for yourself.

More info: MMM


1 5Mahatma Gandhi as a law student in 1887


2 8

Joseph Stalin in 1902


3 8

Richard Nixon wearing his football jersey during the 1930s

#44 814th Dalai Lama


5 7

Hilary Clinton around 1969


6 8

Pope Francis as a boy


7 6

John F. Kennedy at age 10 in 1927


8 6

Fidel Castro in 1955


9 6

Sadam Hussein


10 6

Kim Jong-il with his father Kim Il-sung and mother Kim Jong-suk in 1945


11 3

Nelson Mandela in 1961


12 3

Bill Clinton meeting President John F. Kennedy in 1963


13 2

Margaret Thatcher


14 2

Princess Elizabeth II of England at 18 years old in 1945


15 2

George Bush at Yale University sometime between 1964 to 1968


16 2

Angela Merkel in 1973


17 1

Vladimir Putin in 1966


18 1

Donald Trump at New York’s Military Academy


19 1

Barack Obama as a student

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Old Photos of The Politicians Before They Became Popular Leaders

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